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Post IBC2015 Technology Review by the Jump team

ibc2015 closes

IBC2015 closes

As the dust settles on IBC 2015, the Jump team have spent some time reflecting on the show. What were the key discussion points? Which technology and trends look realistic and which look like a pipedream? Here are a few pointers that we picked up on our travels.

What of industry trends? Firstly, the unveiling of

can’t go without a mention. We have seen a lot of M&A activity recently – indeed given the number of SMEs in our business more are probably to be expected. The coming of IP on the production side was also a big talking point. Across the last year we have seen multiple about this but at IBC 2015 the noise was sometimes deafening. At the packed Friday morning session, the panel discussed little else, which comes as no surprise given that it featured Microsoft, IBM, Imagine and EVS among others. The reality? It’s coming but at the moment there are hurdles, not least cost. While the R&D spend of the major manufactures is clearly changing – has changed in some cases – broadcasters must be scratching their heads a little wondering what on earth they are supposed to do next. HD? 4K? 8K (heaven forbid)? HDR? IP production workflows?

It’s easy to forget that while all the above – or at least some – might be relevant for Tier 1 broadcasters in evolved markets, basic, FTA terrestrial distribution still dominates the global landscape. Let’s face it, HD is still a dream for many. But that’s the nature of the business that we are in.

Speaking of terrestrial, it looks like already established DTT deployments across Europe are going to need to update their network architectures. The competition for spectrum means governments will look to sell more of it to other industries. Over the next few years we are likely to see significant upgrade work. This is a point that Digital UK boss Jonathan Thompson

this week.

One other thing we noted was the sheer competitiveness of the OTT space. One look at the Connected World Hall (Hall 14) was enough to tell you that.

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